IFS offers enterprise software, integrating project and asset management, service management – including customer engagement tools – with core ERP functionality to the power transmission and distribution industry.
IFS is independently recognized as a leading, global supplier of on-premise or cloud-enabled ERP and EAM software, with customers across Power Grid Transmission, Network Distribution and Field Service and Smart Meter Services.
New challengers are entering the energy market, coupled with disruptive technology and changing consumer demands. Our focus on project, asset and service focused organizations means IFS is the best placed software vendor to support your business turn challenges into opportunities.
Explore IFS’s role in energy & utilities
Energy & Utilities organizations need to improve operational efficiency and the customer experience. Achieving this involves a wide range of processes across various scenarios. Explore the interactive map of the energy & utilities ecosystem to see where IFS software adds value.

3 practical artificial intelligence (AI) approaches for Field Service Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact every industry and every business discipline—including field service management. But how quickly will practical solutions be available that enable the typical medium to large field service organization to take advantage of AI? Field service software with embedded AI delivers knowledge efficiently, processes solutions to complex data sets, and automates repetitive activities to allow human workers to focus on personalized service, solving complex problems and escalations, i.e. what people do best.

IFS a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Enterprise Asset Management Software
IFS has been recognized as a top-rated vendor and distinguished by our customers as a Gartner Peer Insights Customers Choice’ for Enterprise Asset Management Software through the Gartner Peer Insights platform.
The Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice badge is a trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates.

IFS ERP, EAM and FSM deliver value to our customers across Telecommunications, Energy, Utilities & Resources
Integrated solutions for the challengers

Enterprise Resource Planning
IFS Applications is a different kind of enterprise resource planning software (ERP). It is not complex and rigid like some other ERP suites. Rather, it is designed to rapidly adjust to changes in technology and business, maximizing enterprise agility.
And IFS Applications is capable of delivering more than just ERP. It has native functionality for enterprise project management (EPM), enterprise asset management (EAM) and service management. The application can be configured for a variety of settings including but not limited to discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, multi-mode manufacturing, construction and engineering, and esoteric and demanding settings like multi-mode manufacturing, aerospace and defense, engineer, procure construct (EPC) and offshore oil and gas drilling. It is in these demanding settings that combine elements of manufacturing, project management and asset management that IFS Applications is without peer as an ERP solution.

Enterprise asset management (EAM) software needs to be more than a glorified computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). And IFS Applications offers more. A lot more. As part of a complete enterprise suite or as a standalone EAM solution, IFS Applications offers you the freedom to implement as much supporting functionality as you need to meet your asset management and other organizational requirements. Sure, you get maintenance scheduling, work orders and other functionality necessary for reliability-centered maintenance. But you also can extend your EAM solution with human resources, purchasing, risk management, finance, document management and more.

Service Management
Whether you are providing service in the field, in a plant, at a customer’s home or office, in a depot environment, on linear or other capital assets, or anywhere else, IFS Service Management has a solution for you. This is also available regardless of whether you are delivering service through booking appointments, against demanding service level agreements (SLAs), adhering to maintenance contracts, with businesses or directly with consumers.